"Jab Jab is a reenactment by the enslaved showing their retaliation against their captivators or slave masters whom they blamed for decades of suffering. Once slavery was abolished, it was their way of saying, I am no longer afraid of you, what you are doing to us is not right and we will take it no more. They paraded down the streets celebrating freedom, wearing animal horns on their heads, covered in molasses, dragging chains that symbolized the years of bondage and suffering, bearing weapons and half eaten animal parts still dripping intensely of blood, wearing the same snakes that were purposely used to torture them, now tamed and wrapped around their necks like jewelry, while chanting in their native language, gyrating down the streets barely clothed mocking and scorning the colonist whom held them captive. They saw these colonist as the 'devil' because of the way they were treated heartlessly."
SMC - Spice Mas Grenada
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